Here are the annotated slides (pdf, 4.2Mb) of the talk I gave at Mobile Monday Barcelona. Thank you Fabien and Rudy for inviting me there.
The talk was entitled "Sinking one’s teeth into new metaphors for mobile gaming" and was basically a critique of the current state of mobile gaming. Instead of describing 3D on cell phones, location-based gaming or augmented reality, I encouraged mobile game designers to consider 3 other avenues: - rather than mobile gaming, what we have today is "immobile gaming" (as shown on the picture above, that I took last year in Geneva). So an opportunity is to benefit from motion/mobility instead of immobile situations. - remember that a phone is not only a small screen and little buttons: you can use other inputs (blow in the phone) and other outputs (tv-screen) - keep in mind that infrastructures (hardware/software/networks) are not always perfect and reliable so revealing the seams or taking advantage of them is a pertinent agenda (seamful design)
Down the road, all this stuff can be seen as metaphor or opportunities for mobile games of the near future.