The mobile phone as an emerging social, cultural and technological phenomenon

The Fourth Screen Global Mobile Media Festival Call:

The Fourth Screen Global Mobile Media Festival will focus on the mobile phone as an emerging social, cultural and technological phenomenon. We invite artists, technologists, and other creative thinkers to submit creations, inventions and concepts in two categories:

1/ moving images: videos made with mobile phone, movies, animation and games intended for mobile delivery

2/ wise technologies: software art, software and hardware that proposes new uses for mobile multimedia communication, applications that have positive cultural, social and economic impact in diverse cultures

The use of phone cameras is already pervasive, millions shoot, share, watch video clips with this all-in-one personal production - distribution - player device.

Why do I blog this? cell-phones based art, that's an intriguing concept. What's cultural content creation with such devices? how they help circulating culture, there are interesting issues related to this festival.