People into mobile music technology should submit something to the 3rd international workshop on mobile music technology (2-3 MARCH 2006, BRIGHTON, UK). Judging from the material extracted in the two previous workshops, it might be interesting!
Following two successful workshops that started to explore and establish the emerging field of mobile music technology, this third edition offers a unique opportunity to participate in the development of mobile music and hands-on experience of the latest cutting-edge technology. The programme will consist of presentations from invited speakers, in-depth discussions about the crucial issues of mobile music technology, hands-on group activities and break-out sessions where participants can get valuable feedback on their work-inprogress projects. The invited speakers include Michael Bull (University of Sussex, UK), often dubbed by the press as 'Professor iPod' for his iPod and car stereo user studies that reveal fascinating trends for mobile music.
People interested can drop a line to Frauke Behrendt: f.behrendt (at), Lalya Gaye (Hi Lalya!): lalya (at) or Drew Hemment (Hi Drew!): dh (at)