[Weird] Spam Email Address Museum!

Fab also noticed the strong creative potential of spam address. examples:

bla_alla <bla_alla@libero.it> agentoflove@absoluteagency.com Babcock V <fer@isg.co.il> DrugStore Online <respondtor@ref5per.com> Local Singles <replytoukkeg@11cmrs.com> Ijgb Xw <krvlrsajtm@hucfsqocbvo.beautyinc.info> AccuQuote <AccuQuote@cheeryholidays.com> John Singleton <johns@crab-cakes.net> Justin <Justin5764@soFtwarerevelutioN1.coM> Schwester Moni <schwestermoni.g1980000@yahoo.com> Hgbf Zb <jtlgjrlv@ylroigjexkpo.beautytipmakeup.info> Babbitt Stotts <Kaywuec@illinois.co.jp> Alyssa <vvvwepe@tom.com> Small is <hgrshrs43y35@yahoo.com> Bedroom Fantasies <bethanyu@3eball.com> Debby <Debby@sdpktepdcmbxei.net> Philip <pshaogln@cbukrskvoa.com> Eukx Nj <tqqeucmqonjf@elemzklcux.makeup-site.info>

I like Kaywuec@illinois.co.jp because of this japanese illinois concept AND all those krvlrsajtm@hucfsqocbvo.beautyinc.info stuff so wonderful from a weird point of view. The different of case use is also nice. What's crab-cakes ?

Where is .il? what does lyggfviwf means?

Since I wrote those email here, there will maybe receive some spam :) Such a vicious circle. The Spam Email Adress Museum will foster new spam to spammers