
(Weird) When Cluedo meets Warhammer40k

For W40K fans like me who played at Space Hulk, Tyranid Attack and so forth, it's alway refreshing to see that some people have crazy ideas like mixing cluedo and space crusade. Check the rules ! And turn Colonel Mustard into an aggressive space marine !

Cluedo Crusade resulted from the somewhat unlikely pairing of 'Space Crusade' and the long-running children/family who-dunnit boardgame by Waddingtons called 'Cluedo' (in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand etc) and 'Clue' in the USA. 

Subtitled "Bloodbath at Tudor Court", it is the 'brainchild' of one Stephen J Wells,and essentially involves the detective game beginning normally, but on the third die roll of a 6 "the forces of Chaos break through the fabric of space to destroy the Earth.  Split-seconds later, time-shifted Starships lock on docking claws and elite Imperial Space Marines storm in".  Each of the Cluedo characters then commands a troop of Space Crusade figures - Miss Scarlett [pictured at right] the Blood Angels, Reverend Green the Orks and Gretchin, etc. - pause for rolling of eyes ... !

(TheWorld) Test the Chemical Constitution of your European Deputy!

Via liberation, WWF analysed the blood of several European Union deputy, all are contaminated !

WWF a prélevé un peu de sang à 47 volontaires de 17 pays européens (députés européens).(...) Les scientifiques ont ensuite analysé les échantillons pour y quantifier la présence de 101 produits chimiques répartis en cinq familles : les pesticides organo-chlorés, les polychlorobiphényles, les retardateurs de flammes au bromure, les phtalates et les composés perfluorés. Au final, pas moins de 76 des 101 substances recherchées ont été identifiées dans le sang des cobayes européens.

41 substances. Tous sont contaminés par au moins un produit de chaque grande famille. En moyenne, 41 substances ont été détectées par individu, avec un «record» qui s'établit à 54.

(Weird) Heavy metal in iraq

I read that U.S. troops blast AC/DC's "Hell's Bells" and other rock music full volume from a huge speaker, hoping to grate on the nerves of this Sunni Muslim city's gunmen and give a laugh to Marines along the front line. An Army psychological operations team hopes a mix of heavy metal and insults shouted in Arabic.

(Weird) Send SMS with your Barbie

Barbie is done doing so well since her divorce with Ken, her nice husband, that is why some people are trying to improve her according to the age.

Mattel chief executive Robert Eckert is adding more features to Barbie, a 45-year-old American icon that accounts for half of Mattel's profit, in a bid to revive sales of the world's largest toy maker. He's giving Barbie text-messaging capability and even a new boyfriend after losing more than 20 per cent of the $US1.7 billion ($A2.3 billion) US fashion-doll market to competitors such as MGA Entertainment, the maker of Bratz dolls.

(Weird) Map of Hollow Earth

There are several hollow Earth theories. The most prevalent one holds that there are great but hidden openings at both the North and South poles, and that it is possible to enter those holes. Some - including the respected Admiral Byrd - claimed to have entered those holes. This hohlweltlehre theory was a failure: because they suspected that our surface is on the interior of a concave Earth, Hitler sent an expedition to the Baltic island of Rugen to spy on the British fleetand it failed.

Via paranormal:

Then there's the legend... that Hitler and many of his Nazi minions escaped Germany in the closing days of World War II and fled to Antarctica where at the South Pole they had discovered an entrance to the Earth's interior. According to the Hollow Earth Research Society in Ontario, Canada, they are still there. After the war, the organization claims, the Allies discovered that more than 2,000 scientists from Germany and Italy had vanished, along with almost a million people, to the land beyond the South Pole. This story gets more complicated with Nazi-designed UFOs, Nazi collaboration with the people who live in the center of the Earth, and the explanation for "Aryan-looking" UFO pilots.

...Totally crazy...

[Weird] readings page 23

Via caterina:

1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

Here we are, taken in "bits and spaces" edited by Maia Engeli:

"The system was first presented in the conference 'acerca del espacio' in september 1999 in Granada, Spain"

(Weird) Atomic Research Center and Banana Juice

Fundamental research could provide interesting side effects:

The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre has developed a new technology to manufacture juice from bananas. It has also applied for a domestic patent for this new process.

The banana juice-making technique is actually a spin-off technology developed during the Centre's programme to evolve a hybrid banana variety as a part of its `Atom for Agriculture' programme. The juice making know-how, though at present is only at a lab-scale level, is being upgraded for commercial purposes.

[Weird] Spam poetry

Yet another spam poetry stuff:

map end experience motion south tight ill taste produce feeble whip boat pleasure coat start early milk behavior neck smoke jelly driving make wise living shame framegarden umbrella bit order gun young sun pump water question noise great weight pocket blade front safe room medical natural

V 1 . C . O . D . I . M here

amount place voice different attack place salt land body tin curve almost hospital snake help hospital private line size sea land cart bridge bell prison than society sky have shelf committee step soap mouth long earth off curtain camera bite morning free morning use net frequent shame credit sponge mountain glass early blood thing free second shirt noise military of secret brass square way ball pidyjw xhrsar mdoidm twbmmc ynjqxo jlshsn ufliic noohmr buvckf itmsfh auhvav kxyxnp chfdeb ogcaco hxyjth tfnhdo senuou svjkel gcjpai trhqwx dmfvtv kqwdpg vtefxn xwwuqh qfntts nqlxkk csvxmb moblna hhvxol jgjyxx ikgkec

[Weird] Mobile Phones and ghost decline

Via Farshores:

A Wirral paranormal investigator has rubbished claims that mobile phones are chasing away ghosts. Tony Cornell, of the Society for Psychical Research, says the number of spooky sightings started to decline with the introduction of mobiles 15 years ago. (...) He reckons it's all down to a lack of TV programmes like The X-Files rather than mobile phone microwaves in the atmosphere. He said: 'In the run-up to the year 2000 there was loads of stuff on the telly about the paranormal and that made the public more aware. 'But now people may have an experience and not realise that it's of a paranormal nature. And, anyway, we use lots of hi-tech equipment in our research and that has no effect. Good solid reliable ghosts are there and they are as hard as ever to catch.'

(Weird) European Constitution written in french SMS language

Some politics in french ironically translated the new European Constitution in french SMS language.To be found here. Examples:

Pro G 2 TRE-T 1STITUAN 1 KONSTITU6ON POOR L'€P PREANBUL Notr konstitu6on ... é apelé Dmokra6 paske le poovwar é antr lé m1 non d1 minoriT, mé du + gran nonbr. Tu6did 2, 37 Kon6an ke l'€p ét 1 continan porteur 2 6viliza6on ; ke C zabitan, venu /vag suxSiv 2 p8 lé ler zaj 2 lumaniT, i on DvloP progrSivman lé valeur ki fond lumanism : légaliTD zètr, la libRT, le rSP 2 la rézon,

[Weird] French insults in Secret Of Monkey Islands

I was a crazy fan of this video game on my Amiga 500, I put the french insults in the extended version of this post. Those insults were meant to be used during a sword combat ! Réponses aux insultes des pirates

Q : Aucun adversaire ne m'a jamais résisté ! R : Ta mauvaise haleine a suffi à tous les étouffer ! Q : Tu as autant d'allure qu'un singe en déshabillé ! R : Je ressemble tant que ça à ta petite amie? Q : Comment fais-tu donc pour être aussi laid ? R : Sans compter tous tes rencards au lycée ! Q : Dans toutes les Caraïbes , mes exploits sont célébrés ! R : J'achète jamais en hyper-marché ! Q : Tremble moustique , je suis la terreur des océans ! R : On t'avais déjà dit que t'avais la même tête que Rantanplan ? Q : Tu préfères être enterré ou incinéré ? R : Si tu restes dans le coin , je préfère être fumigé ! Q : Je vais t'embrocher comme un dindonneau rôti ! R : Dans peu de temps, tu ne seras plus qu'une immonde bouillie ! Q : Tu restes muet devant mon sens de la répartie ! R : C'est pas possible , tu te rinces la bouche à l'ailloli ! Q : Je ferais la fête le jour où tu seras exterminé ! R : Tu devrais peut-être te mettre au décaféiné ! Q : Que le ciel me protège ! Tu ressembles à un revenant ! R : Pour te conserver entier , je ne vois que le formol au piment ! Q : Je vais te mutiler , t'embrocher et te finir en fricassée! R : Ton odeur me fait l'effet d'une bouche d'égoût mal refermée ! Q : Tu as appris à manier le sabre dans une boîte de nuit ? R : Ton problème , c'est tu fais encore pipi au lit ! Q : Je te pourchasserai jour et nuit ! R : Sois beau joueur. Fais pas de chichis. Q : En garde , mon ami ! R : Ca a déjà été dit et redit... Q : Pour l'humanité , ta mort serait un soulagement. R : Te tuer serais faire oeuvre d'assainissement ! Q : Quand il t'a vu naître, ton père a dû se sauver en hurlant ! R : Mon père, au moins, n'était pas un truand ! Q: Tu ne peux comparer ton esprit au mien pauvre idiot R: Si tu l'utilises je vais vraiment avoir peur Q: Je ne trouve pas de mot pour exprimer mon dégoût R: Je peux t'aider à trouver les mots si tu veux

Réponses aux insultes de Rottingham Q : Tu ferais vomir un troupeau de porcelets. R : Sans compter tous tes rencards au lycée! Q : Avec des lèvres comme ça,ta place est au zoo de Cincinnati. R : Dans peu de temps,tu ne seras plus qu'une immonde bouillie! Q : Ta mère en bikini à Brimstone! R : Ca a déjà été dit et redit... Q : Tu as le choix entre être décapité ou étripé... R : Si tu restes dans le coin,je préfère être fumigé! Q : Tu as autant de sex-appeal qu'un ouistiti! R : Je ressemble tant que ça à ta petite amie? Q : Ta carcasse va bientôt connaître le goût de l'océan. R : Te tuer serait faire oeuvre d'assainissement. Q : Je vais t'envoyer paître chez les otaries. R : Tu te rinces la bouche à l'ailloli,c'est pas possible! Q : Ton odeur offenserait l'appendice nasal d'un machabée. R : Tu devrais peut-être te mettre au décaféiné. Q : Les carottes sont cuites,fais ton testament! R : Pour te conserver entier,je ne vois que le formol au piment. Q : Je n'ai jamais perdu un match de rugby! R : Ton problème,c'est que tu fais encore pipi au lit. Q : Mon pauvre,tu fais honte à ta race et à tes glorieux ascendants! R : Mon père au moins n'était pas un truand! Q : Tu es la plus belle poule mouillée des cinq océans. R : On t'a déjà dit que t'avais la même tête que Rantanplan? Q : Mes proies,je les finis toujours avec un bouquet garni. R : Sois beau joueur,fais pas de chichis. Q : Après mon passage,les îles sont dépeuplées. R : Ta mauvaise haleine a suffi à tous les étouffer. Q : Mes compétences au sabre sont dûment attestées. R : J'achète jamais en hyper-marché. Q : Qu'est-ce qui t'impressionne le plus en moi,freluquet? R : Ton odeur me fait l'effet d'une bouche d'égout mal refermée.

[Weird] Biology of aggression

Researchers bet on fruit fly fights to expose underlying biology of aggression

Round by round, move by move, video replay of 75 fruit fly fights reveals statistically significant patterns of normal fighting behavior. Male fruit flies that pick a fight are likely to win the battle. Losing fruit flies don't give up easily, even if it takes them longer to re-engage their foes after a particular bruising encounter. Most fruit fly fights are resolved before they escalate to intense physical contact.

These are some of the results from a study of 75 fruit fly fights staged at a neurobiology laboratory at Harvard Medical School (HMS) in Boston, Mass. USA. The researchers videotaped and analyzed the fights to learn more about aggression

(Weird) Monobrow!

Monobrow!Mission Statement:

At, we don't view having one eyebrow as a grotesque, freakish human deformity. On the contrary. We think you are special (and not the kind of special where you wear a helmet.) The kind of special where people look at the hairy, catipillar-like growth above your eyes and say, "Oh my God! What the hell is that thing?" You're not alone., celebrating the unity of your eyebrows.

[Weird] On-line poetry: craigslist titles

Still wondering about on-line stuff as magical poetry from outer space, here are few titles coming from craigslist:

-SALE: Singing Refrigerator - Am I being too specific? - WHEN YOU CANT BOOK MARY POPPINS, RING JULIANA - need a passionate rapper and not a candy rapper - Advice on Pet Insurance? - Tired of browsing online profiles?

Who said the the Internet has no content ?!