"“Farewell To The Feminine Hand” “It was the day before my daughter’s high school graduation and I..."

“Farewell To The Feminine Hand”

“It was the day before my daughter’s high school graduation and I thought I’d treat her to a manicure at ___’s so she could pick up her summa cum laude diploma with pride. Imagine her mortification when the manicurist commented on her OUTSIZE THUMBS, and declared that painting such monster digits would cost double. Whysoever could this be? I had to investigate. It turned out that my daughter – the most popular girl in her class – had been sending up to 300 text messages – short notices on the mobile phone – per day. While glad she was so very socially-engaged and supportive of her friends, this one-handed work-out had quite destroyed the elegance of her former elegant pianist’s hand…”


Jay @hautepop 2:51 pm on December 8, 2012.

Intriguing irony here.