The "internet of things": The internet of hype | The Economist

Interesting discussion about the limits of the Internet of Things in The E.:
Is it worth it? Many of the problems that the internet of things is supposed to solve actually have simple, non-technological solutions. Google likes to boast that your smartphone can tell you the ratio of men and women in any given bar. But there is actually a much simpler solution: you can look through the window! Many of the wonders of the internet of things fall into this category. Sensors can tell you when a baby's nappy is full. There is a perfectly reasonable old-fashioned solution to this problem. Sensors can turn the stem of an umbrella to glow blue when it is about to rain. You can always listen to the weather forecast. Mr Kvedar argued that hooking people up to the internet would reduce their need to go to the doctor, because they will be constantly updated about their health. But will elderly people, who are nervous enough about mobile phones, really embrace this high-tech wonderland? It might be better to loosen the grip of professional doctors on medical advice, and allow nurse-practitioners and other para-professionals to monitor people's health. In health care, above all else, technology is a poor substitute for the human touch.

Why do I blog this? this is the excerpt that struck me as interesting in the Economist but the whole article adopts a fresh perspective (especially in this kind of press). I do not necessarily agree with all the arguments here but it's relevant to see how people ponder the IOT.