[I started making weeknotes too, This is week 105 because I started working at Liftlab 105 weeks ago]
Last week-end was a sort of retreat/holiday to recover from Lift10... and work on the "Lift insight" report, which will summarize the various topics that has been addressed at the Lift 10 conference two weeks ago. It was good have already existing material such as the drawings you see above (made by Integral Development) or the notes by Hubert Guillaud on InternetActu. The event was good and dense, as usual, and it's important to highlight what has been uncovered. I'll post the report on-line when ready.
Spent one day in London for a project with a mobile phone carrier and a design agency. The project consisted in both a presentation and a workshop to make clients appropriate the insights I brought (through a set of exercises/break-out groups). It was kind of painful to each LHR because my Easyjet flight has been cancelled and I had to take BA, which was on strike.
In parallel, Fabien, Laurent and I completed another project about networked objects and home appliances for a client with the help of Etienne from XPteam. I still have to finalize the exec summary of the report and send it tomorrow to the client.
Finally, it was my last week of teaching for the semester at HEAD-Geneva. These two sessions about evaluating design products were the conclusion of my "Field research and interaction design" course. Students now have to work on their assignments: a field study that will lead to the description of design implications (storyboards, scenarios, paper prototypes, specifications, etc.) I am definitely curious about the results and now need to write a review of the year course to see what we can change or improve for next year. And yes the picture above shows the place where courses are given, an old and curious building in Geneva.
Besides, I received my (physical) copy of Laurence Dupuis' dissertation (under my supervision, at ENSCI in Paris) about Imagination, design and digital technologies. It's full of interesting insights and discussion with people such as Jean-Louis Fréchin, Frederic Kaplan or Bruce Sterling. Only in French though.