Accepted paper about the CatchBob! project

Another accepted paper for the Common Models and Patterns for Pervasive Computing (CMPPC) workshop at Pervasive 2007. I co-authored this with Fabien Girardin (Barcelona) and Mike Blackstock (Vancouver). It's called "Issues from Deploying and Maintaining a Pervasive Game on Multiple Sites" and basically describes how the deployment of the CatchBob! pervasive game has been carried out in two different settings (in Lausanne and Vancouver).

Abstract: In this paper we present the lessons learned from the deployment of a collaborative pervasive game on two different sites. We emphasize on the practical aspects of getting a pervasive systems deployed without any extra special infrastructure. Based on our experience, we describe the issues providers and administrators must take into consideration to deploy and maintain pervasive environments. In this perspective, we highlight that ubiquitous technologies must be consciously attended, as they are unevenly distributed, unevenly available.