Gartner about LBS

According to Information Week, the last "Gartner Hype Cycle" report about emerging technologies has some thoughts about location-aware technologies:

Among the high-impact technologies under Real World Web were location-aware technologies and applications. The former includes the use of global positioning systems and other technologies in the cellular network and handset to locate a mobile user. The technologies were expected to reach maturity in less than two years.

Once devices were location-aware, business applications were expected to take advantage of the capabilities in the next two to five years. Uses include field force management, fleet management, logistics and goods transportation, Gartner said.

Isn't it always the same paragraph? Last year it was:

Location-aware applications. These are mobile enterprise applications that exploit the geographical position of a mobile worker or an asset, mainly through satellite positioning technologies like Global Positioning System (GPS) or through location technologies in the cellular network and mobile devices. Real-world examples include fleet management applications with mapping navigation and routing functionalities, government inspections and integration with geographic information system applications. Mobile workers will use either a PDA or smartphone, connected via Bluetooth to an external GPS receiver, or stand-alone positioning wireless device.

Why do I blog this? things evolve slowly and foresight companies have to rescale their predictions