(Via Dr.Fish), SF gate has an article about tech toys/gadgets for kids tracking/surveillance; there's a good list of artifacts that can send information about kids' behavior (it's very often LBS):
CarChip, made by Davis Instruments: About the size of a 9-volt battery, the device plugs in beneath a car's dashboard and records driving behavior. The data it collects can be downloaded to a computer, and the device can sound an alarm when the car speeds or accelerates too fast. (...) Teen Arrive Alive, a Florida company, offers Global Positioning System-enabled cell phones that allow parents to go online to check the location and speed of a car their child is driving or riding in. (...) Alltrack USA, offers a service that e-mails or calls parents if the car they're monitoring exceeds a certain speed or leaves a defined geographic area. DriveCam, which now installs cameras in fleet vehicles, plans to offer a monthly service to parents and teens next year that will let them watch video clips of their driving and receive coaching from driving experts. (...) Another way parents are doing that is with GPS-enabled cell phones. Sprint's Family Locator service allows parents to map the location of their children's cell phones online. Verizon's similar Chaperone service, introduced last month, can send parents text messages if their child leaves a predetermined zone. (...) SmartWear Technologies in San Diego plans to take GPS monitoring to another level in the fall, offering radio-frequency tags for children's clothing
The articles also discuss the motivation, the control parents can (or can't) then exert, the dilemna they face when having such information and other issues:
"This is about parents being given tools to better protect their kids. That's not Big Brother. That's parenting," said company spokesman Jack Church (...) "The dilemma is, it's like peeking into your kid's diary or journal. The question is: What do you do with that information?"
Why do I blog this? because this relates to our lab research about location-based services (we're investigating things at a finer grain and it's less about privacy and control though) and how mutual location-awareness foster inferences.