Blogject workshop part 2

Next week, at EPFL (may 29-30), CRAFT will host the second blogject workshop. The first one was hosted by LIFT06. Organized by Nicolas Nova and Julian Bleecker. By talking about "blogjects" (objects that could potentially disseminate a record of their interactions with people, context and other objects on the web), we envision a new participation of "things" in the physical and social space. In this context, the so-called "Internet of Things" may give rise to a new ecology of things, and consequently to a different set of social practices and relations to space.

The previous workshop addressed that issue by considering how this would generate new possibilities for integrating networked artifacts such as "blogjects" in both the physical world and the Internet. The description and discussion of various scenarios allowed the definition of usage opportunities.

The first workshop was devoted to finding interesting research avenues and questions related to this "blogject" thing. People from various background and perspectives participated in the discussion, which eventually lead to this big report (pdf, 19Mb!). This time, the participants will have a different background (rather technical) and the aim of the 2-days is to have a more "hands-on" follow-up so that we design prototypes of networked artifact of the future (be it a blogject, a pervasive device, a slogging place, a locative thing, a pre-spime or an everyware).