The Ambient peacock explorer is a project by Cati Vaucelle and Philip Vriend which I like. It's actually an interesting mobile unit that can be connected to an headquarter, here is the mobile unit:
mobile units: Independent from the headquarter / One shell per context of exploration / Shell inflated on top of the structure to indicate where the mobile unit is going / Context based shells per unitWater: Jelly Fish Organic Shell Countryside: Wooden structureCity: Inflatable ConcreteAir: Blimp
headquater Is composed of four gathering areas: the air, the countryside, the city and the water area, a studio and an editing room. Each wall receives life feed from the mobile units based on each unit context. Environmental data from sensing mobile units are also projected on the walls as meta information. The headquarter itself retro-project on its roof the life feed of its environment and on the external walls displays the video from mobiles units. The production centre also invites to discuss the documentaries and environmental issues and by that is also a showcase building.