Patrick pointed us on StarLight, a 'visible information visualization system'.
Starlight represents the first attempt to marry a variety of different types of "conventional" (and novel) information visualization capabilities into a single, integrated, information system capable of supporting a wide range of analytical functions. Further, Starlight visualization tools employ a common XML-based information model capable of effectively capturing multiple types of relationships that may exist among information of disparate kinds. Together, these features enable the concurrent visual analysis of a wide variety of information types. The result is a system capable of both accelerating and improving comprehension of the contents of large, complex information collections.
There is a very interesting example about national security. The system allows to reassemble information about real-world political and military situations into a useful "picture" of a situation. Starlight enables intelligence analysts to integrate a wide variety of spatial and non-spatial information types so that they can be jointly analyzed. It shows nice images that exemplify how this is carried out.
Why do I blog this? Clearly, as for the GPS, the army is far ahead in locative media design/use (we already talked about this at open plan in Eyal Weizman's talk about the israelian army).