Lately, I tried to organize better all the stuff I read about the affordances of space (I think it's better to use this 'affordance' notion than always repeating "the socio-cognitive functions of space). I came with this really simple graphic:
The idea is very simple; when dealing with the concept of space in collective situations, one should consider three dimensions as presented in the figure: persons, space/place and artifacts, and a corollary feature of place which is activity. From the relation between each of those components, affordances of space emerges among the group.
This is the decompositional framework I use for my report about spatial affordances: Socio-cognitive functions of space in collaborative settings : a literature review about Space, Cognition and Collaboration which is now a technical report from our faculty here at EPFL (well it's just my previous report I wrote last year, but it's now more formal, with a *"ç%"*% number).
[Research] Trying to represent my literature review about space and collaboration
in Research