NATO is of course doing research about location technologies and warfare... I am NOT into this war stuff.RTO-MP-093 Emerging Military Capabilities Enabled by Advances in Navigation Sensors:
This symposium was organised to bring together experts in the field of navigation sensors and integration technology to present emerging systems to the NATO community. The presentations identified new uses of these advances and the potential benefits to military operations and future operational concepts. The topics covered included projection of performance improvement, decreased cost, size and weight for sensors to enhance the military capabilities of precise targeting, situational awareness, navigation, flight path guidance stabilization and control, smart munitions, tactical missiles, robust sensor platforms and other applications including personal navigation systems.
The keywords are:
Advanced weapons - Atomic clocks - Data fusion - Global positioning system - Gyroscopes - Inertial navigation - Integrated systems - MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) - Microelectronics - Military applications - Missile guidance - Navigation satellites - Navigational aids - Precision guided munitions - Radio navigation - Requirements - Situational awareness - Surveillance - Tracking (position)