spatial pattern on my office

I just noticed a very smart spatial pattern on my office : the documents are organized in such a way : I work on the closest documents. Here is a picture :

1 : the paper I am currently reading (about formualting availability and location in mobile phone concevrsations) 2 : a proof read paper I need to modify (sooner published here !) about use of space in collaborative problem solving 3 : books I need to write my paper (2) : Social navigation of information space and Wireless world : social and interactional aspects of the mobile age. 4 : literature review of a short research project on how multi-user gamers use space to coordinate 5 : books about dynamic situations Patrick gave me to read to find ideas for my phd 6 : papers I read last week about Team Situatin Awareness, play the role of a reminder about Mutual Modelling and Awareness. 7 : books about UML and JAVA, things I need to learn in my next life 8 : paper I read since I am here about mobile computing, space, mobile phones, proxemics.