Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE From COGNITIVE AND CARTOGRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS : TOWARDS A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH (Colette Cauvin). The location expresses the absolute address, that is to say, the position of a place or of a set of places related to a reference, expressed in geographical coordinates. In this context, space is considered as a conatainer, an entity in itself.
In urban studies, a location correspond to the knowledge of an address, whatever it may be : coordinates, text... The knowledge of the location corresponds to what is called the "route knowledge" and then to a procedural model, which can be modified, evolve towards a configurational model, when all the elements (nodes, paths, networks...) of each place are known.
Any identified place can have a location, but often, it is groups f lcoation that are more interesting because they express positions of each place in relation to one another. Short distance between location expres the association of places considered to be close to each other, which can have different interpretations. "