RDV Stefano

Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE A lire : Précis de Psycholinguistique (Jean Carron)

2 frameworks : Clark et Malone/Crowston For Clark, coordination is a way to solve practical problem (the participants share a common goal). These problems comes from the lack of common ground. Solving strategy : exchanging coordination keys. For Malone and Crowston, coordination deals with dependency management (gestion de dépendances) between related activities. Three kinds of dependence : fit, flow, share. Those categories allow us to categorize the problems Clark deals with. The problemes emerges (in the Malone and Crowston framework) a bad definition of the processes. Solving strategy : exchange of certain types of keys : specific processes.

According to Clark, there are two types of activities : AUTNOMOUS and JOINT. Joint activities - division of labour between participants : division into Participative Activities. People perform participative activities so as to complete the joint actitivity (Sum of the participative activities). In addition, there could be a certain level of dependence between two participative actions (it's a continuum form no dependence to total dependence).

Stefano criticizes the notions of primary and coordination actiivity because it depends on the point of view (for example a postman who carry a paper to be collaboratively written by somebody does not perform a coordinative activity since he is out of the task/goal).

I have to observe a real situation; with regard to the grounding cost of the media (Clark and Brennan), see what we loose in the mediated communication setting and how we ca support it with computational tools.

Awareness + 3D + mixed reality = contextual information... (what is the best coordination key to exchange ?)

Distributed Cognition : Halverson, Broadbent, Belotti

Cerner l'univers, l'angle de base, avant d'articuler la question de recherche.