Fantasy video gaming?: kids playing with game controllers and no games
Read More"“A new Pentagon study shows that almost 30 percent of drone pilots surveyed suffer from what..."
““A new Pentagon study shows that almost 30 percent of drone pilots surveyed suffer from what the military calls “burnout.” It’s the first time the military has tried to measure the psychological impact of waging a “remote-controlled war.
Read More"Mark Your Territory is a new system that lets individuals check-in to foursquare by physically..."
“Mark Your Territory is a new system that lets individuals check-in to foursquare by physically urinating at the actual location. MYT maintains the abilities of Foursquare while drawing humans back into the physical world. It is not a shunning of dig...
Read MoreThe Fixer’s manifesto, by Sugru
The Fixer’s manifesto, by Sugru
Read More"9. What are the biggest misconceptions [about critical design]? That it is negative and..."
“9. What are the biggest misconceptions [about critical design]?That it is negative and anti-everything. That it is only commentary and cannot change anything That it is jokey That it is not concerned with aesthetics That it is against mass-producti...
Read More“The Creative Process” as seen by Ben Pieratt
“The Creative Process” as seen by Ben Pieratt
Read More"There are children playing in the streets who could solve some of my top problems in physics,..."
““There are children playing in the streets who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago.”” - Robert Oppenheimer.
Read More“Hommage à New-York” by Florent Deloison: a game in...
“Hommage à New-York” by Florent Deloison: a game in which the player has to destroy the computer code creating the game: Dans cette version, au lieu des casser des briques, le joueur doit détruire le code informatique à l’origine du jeu, qui ...
Read More“What makes Paris look like Paris” Given a large...
“What makes Paris look like Paris” Given a large repository of geotagged imagery, we seek to automatically find visual elements, e.g. windows, balconies, and street signs, that are most distinctive for a certain geo-spatial area, for example the c...
Read MoreRead in Iwata Asks: Yuzawa Yeah. We were sure to make use of...
Read in Iwata Asks: Yuzawa Yeah. We were sure to make use of that. And when the Wii U GamePad controller still hadn’t come together, we had Motoyama-san make a mockup (model) so we could check how it would feel in your hands. Motoyama I actually b...
Read More1 bit music by Tristan Perish: An electronic circuit is...
1 bit music by Tristan Perish: An electronic circuit is assembled inside a CD case with a headphone jack on the side. The device plays back 40 minutes of low-fi 1-bit electronic music—the lowest possible digital representation of audio. The Cantalo...
Read MoreIntel’s “Technology Metabolism Index,” which shows...
Intel’s “Technology Metabolism Index,” which shows how citizens of countries’ tech adoption exceeds or lags what one would expect given their levels of wealth.
Read More“The Digital Broadsheet”
“The Digital Broadsheet”
Read MoreFacebook demetricator by Benjamin Grosser: Demetricator is free...
Facebook demetricator by Benjamin Grosser: Demetricator is free software that runs within the web browser, constantly watching Facebook when it’s loaded and removing the metrics wherever they occur. This is true not only of those counts that show u...
Read More“tell me about meme”
“tell me about meme”
Read MoreDrunken test, by Three Sheets Research: Following the release...
Drunken test, by Three Sheets Research: Following the release of Windows 8, we wasted no time in trying out Microsoft’s new operating system on a drunken subject. Jennifer, a 40-year-old mother of 2, is an active consumer of PCs, software and alcoh...
Read MoreThe Destruction Company: Invigoration from the convergence of...
The Destruction Company: Invigoration from the convergence of release, taboo, and the socially forbidden: The Destruction Company brings its clients the real possibility of fantastical destruction, with the utmost discretion. Pioneering its market, Th...
Read More"Pixeliose" a disease resulting in partial pixelation of the field of vision
An interesting Swiss film displayed at "Cinéma tous écran" (a local festival in Geneva): Pixeliose by Romain Graf.
The story goes like this:
"Adrien suffers pixeliose, an unknown disease resulting in partial pixelation of his field of vision. To cure this disease, he goes to a woman, Dr. Rittenmatter, ophthalmologist. This consultation gives no result, but they feel surprisingly close and decide to meet for a swim.
Adrien is traumatized by the death of hundreds of people who jumped from the towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 in New York City.
His illness can't be treated, it does not exist. However, Dr. Rittenmatter believed him and understood what he feels, which matters more than any other medical treatment."
Why do I blog this? It's intriguing to see how a sort of New Aesthetic McGuffin (in the form of a disease) is used to create a plot here. Aside from this, and the pleasant viewing of the film, the use of ophtalmologic devices is also curious to create a specific atmosphere. Definitely something to use in design fiction workshops.
How Web Design will reinvent manufacturing by Mike Kuniavsky
How Web Design will reinvent manufacturing by Mike Kuniavsky
Read More"Bruce Sterling asked me how we could get to the point where design fiction could become a commercial..."
“Bruce Sterling asked me how we could get to the point where design fiction could become a commercial enterprise in its own right. Frankly, I’m not sure it can but it’s a very interesting question. And now that I’ve had some time to think about...
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