After watching 2 videos of CatchBob replay:
- Check where people wrote (index of position)
- mutual modeling act: "I saw that you were going in that direction, then I did not communicate that much": the person assume that his partner writes where he is.
- players evaluates the plausibility of information: "I saw that Sandra was not moving, but I know her, she always move and she 's not lazy, so she was moving": players questioned the tool accuracy.
- when confronted to a discrepancy (due to the system), the are 3 reactions: believing the system, saying that the system is wrong or not understanding. Two discrepancies in catchbob: one's position (automatic) and others' position (automatic or manual). "I saw that it was indicated that B was positioned here but he was not", "I saw that B moved on the screen but I know he did not". Toward a discrepancy, people react with regard to information + expectations (the strategy decided or implicit information like knowing the partner)
- about the group confrontation: is the person who first get the signal who it the "narrative leader" during the replay? and is he the one send the larger number of messages/strategy messages? How does he influence the others?
- the word "reconfiguration" is not good, when talking about strategy
- Is the strategy negotiated (during the game) or is it just a personal strategy?
- importance of the weather?
- count the number of face2face meetings during the game (logfiles + replay)
- beware of players' personality, some players do not communicate before being sure of something. THEN, TRY TO KNOW SINCE WHEN THEY communicate their proximity to Bob.
- CHECK, when one player reached a high signal strength, if the keep noting the others signal strength (below) COMMUNICATION ECONOMY
- Strategy investigation: work on the two parts: foraging + triangle forming (for the latter part, check Morris maze strategies).
- 2 types of inferences: about the others, about the environment/network, about the environment/topology
- Do people write on a map as on a sheet of paper, are there different patterns? A lot make little annotation, some write big sentences
pierre was also impressed by the quality of people's narration, when confronted to their paths: they remind pretty well both their activity + the activity of their partners.
Conclusion: the awareness tool make people not discussing the strategy (there is no needs or inhibition due to to the awareness tool) OR since they do not discuss they don't talk about the strategy.
Concerning the mutual modeling, things are very simple in CatchBob!, players have to model their partners position and direction. Agreeing on the strategy is a cognitive prothesis for mutual modeling (once people decide a strategy they do not discuss it)
A nice independent variable: "no awareness tool" for a first BOB, then a second one with the tool.