Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Another function of space and place is to shape trust !
See "trust break down in electronic contexts but can be repaired by some initial face-to-face contact, " from E.Rocco at CHI 98.
Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Another function of space and place is to shape trust !
See "trust break down in electronic contexts but can be repaired by some initial face-to-face contact, " from E.Rocco at CHI 98.
Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Les théories concernant la ville sont de trois ordres :
- "L'école de Chicago" : ils partent d'une analogie écologique (société animales / humaines) pour rechercher des régularités régissant la répartition territoriale des citadins et les processus mis en oeuvres. Ils dégagent plusieurs notions : conccurence (la division du travail et la différenciation des fonctions engage les indivdus et les groupes dans une compétition sociale, source des distribution ordonnées des populations dans la ville), communication (processus qui conduit les hommes en société à s'organiser selon des règées rationnelles et morales), succession (alternance de périodes de désorganisation suivies de périodes de relatif équilibres; instabilité due la mobilité des populations,des nouveaux moyen des communication matériels (transports) ou immatériels (telecommunications)), dominances (succès d'un groupe ou d'une activité au terme d'une lutte pour une position favorable territoriale et sociale). Ils définissent des aires urbaines en observant la distribution des migrants dans les villes (organisation en cercles concentriques). Ils ont négligés de mener des analyses du contexte politique dans lequel évoluent les groupes sociaux étudiés.
- Les chercheurs marxistes francais : certains marxistes structuralistes retiennent en premier lieu les rapports entre ville et mode de production (la ville est alors vue comme une conséquence du système économique). La lecture d'un autre auteur non structuraliste, Henri Lefebvre est différent : il voit la ville comme processus et espace social. Pour lui, la ville n'est pas réduite à la transformation du capital. Selon Lefebvre, "l'espace (social) est un produit (social)". Cela le conduit à une réflexion sur l'espace habité dans l'histoire depuis "l'espace nature" (celui des mythes) à "l'espace historique" (espace de l'accumulation de toutes les richesses et toutes les ressources), et à "l'espace abstrait" (formel, régi par le nombre, séparant dominants et dominés). Ces différents espace se superposent et participent à la diversité sociale et spatiale des villes. Lefebvre fait de la ville le résultat en devenir de pratiques et de représentations multiples et contradictoires.
La voie de Lefebvre place la ville et l'urbain au centre de la réflexion sur les sociétés contemporaines, leur genèse et leur développement en observant leur double spécificité sociale et spatiale.
"the analysis of the movements will give us an idea of many social patterns : group configuration, group migrations, preferences of sectors in buildings Those aspects are relevant within the learning processes in order to understand how to design the most suitable space for a group to work, which are the tool they need and how they can get an easy access to the information"R. Casa, WTME - 2002
-> a basis for my research
Christine A. Halverson (Social Computing Group / IBM. T. J. Watson Research) and Quentin Jones (Information Systems Department / College of Computing Sciences / New Jersey Institute of Technology) seem to organize, each year a workshop on the topic of ppace, space and collaboration
Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Jeffrey, P.: Personal space in a virtual community. In: Carat, C.M., Lund, A. (eds.). Proceedings summary of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 98), April 18-23 1998, Los Angeles. New York, NY: ACM, 1998, 347-348. Student Poster.
This short study focuses on personal space, i.e. "an invisible area surrounding an individual which functions as a buffered comfort zone during interpersonal interaction".
Jeffrey shows that personal space coined by Hall (see The Hidden dimesion for instance) also exists in virtual environment (like Active World). Personal space influences behaviour within a virtual world. Spatial invasions produced anxiety-arousing behaviour with attempts to re-establish a preferred physical distance similar to physical world observations.
-> Personal Space affects how people interact and navigate in virtual environment
This morning I met Yusuf Leblebici and Pablo Ienne who work at EPFL on wireless mobile devices. Their goal : how to get enough intelligence in a little device that can run 6months without refueling the battery. They want to see the emergence of original uses.
I could use this device as a platform for my phd
Capabilities : - ad hoc communication, 20-30m range - 1 semester and after you throw it - low bitrate (20kbit/sec) - low powe consumption (one battery = six months) - link with middle layer =pda - link with higher layer : campus backbone - USB ? - minimal display
May 2004 : a possible prototype to play with. 1 building, 10 people Swatch and ST Microelectronics/Motorla are interested
-> Seminars (weekly) to discuss of the applications, specification, basic needs, possible uses...
Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE CHI Conferences HCI Conferences Mobile HCI Ubicomp CSCW COnferences CSCL Conferences ...
Journal : Cognitive Psychology Cognitive Sciences International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Environment and Behaviour Sociometry Cognition Social Psychology ...
Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Do I have to explain details of experimental methodologies ? NO say Pierre, only if I present a seminal experiment (that could be a basis for my research). Just cite the variables, the groups, the task and the results.
Read studies about "division of labour" (collaboration process) -> in order to find a relevant task ? Colin's task ??
Functions of space : Coordination / Division of labour / Co-presence / Shared context to refer / Proxemics
Shared context : if we are in the same rooms, I know that you see what I see.
What is clear : Quantitative study (+ quali as a complement), 2 or 3 persons : SMALL SCALE GROUP, people all familiar with each other (or not, but no mix).
Mais division of labor : moins cognitif a étudier...
Independent variale : space AT or not Dependent variables : mutuel modelling, performance, divison of labor
Est-ce que les awareness tools liés à l'espace modifient le division of labour ? demander à Colin !
Comparaison de comment on explore un espace physique ou virtuel à deux, comment les gens se répartissent sur le terrrain...
Ne pas faire que ANOVA mais pourquoi pas, une analyse typologique des individus / paires ???
Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Smart links about space and mediated communication :
Research on place and space Mediated Communication (Daniel Chandler).
Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE We shape the things we build. Thereafter, they shape us. - Sir Winston Churchill
"We treat space as we treat sex. It is there but we don't talk about it" - Edward T. Hall
"The city is still the prime place. It is because of the likelihood of unplanned informal encounters" - William Whyte
"Neighborhoods are the spatial manifestation of community, a place where people live and associate on the basis of certain shared myths, or assumptions about the world" - Greenbie, 1981
Via <a href="http://www.smartmobs.comsmart mobs Flash Mob : spontaneous gathering of people (familair with each other OR NOT) in the same place. Like these inexplicable mobs in NY : "groups of pranksters who use email to agree upon a place and activity, then descend upon an unsuspecting proprietor of a bar or department store, to act out pre-arranged antics"
The term "flash mob" refers to "flash crowd": "Larry Niven's 1973 SF short story "Flash Crowd" predicted that one consequence of cheap teleportation would be huge crowds materializing almost instantly at the sites of interesting news stories."
I still try to find a relevant phd topic !!! It is clear that it's going to deal with the social-cognitive roles of space in collaboration but...
I could focus on the cognitive functions of giving context-awareness cues (presence/position/direction) to a small-scale team (2 or 3 persons). Indicators : grounding process / task performance (group) / task duration / group interaction (influence on social network, is a participant less active...).
The awareness tool : map of the team (presence/position/direction) : who is located where (absolute location), who is located close to me (relative location), who is heading toward where (relative direction)... how could we define direction ?
Synchronous (present )+ asynchronous (past : path with location and direction) ? Comparison Sy/Asy/Sy+Asy ?
Design -> Test -> Validation/Experimental research
I should write a position paper concerning AWARENESS (awareness and CSCW or awareness and learning). Two dimensions : - local : awareness about the task - community building : awareness about the other partners
Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE I do really appreciate headmap's ideas. In particular this one :
"spatial maps of films : where do the characters go? they stay in a confined area or travel (linear or circular) ?"
"Design predictions were that 80 per cent of information would be panEuropean, 20 per cent local, but it is actually the other way around. Phones are about mobility, but they are also about localness and specific regionality. They are about a configuration of place that is a quite local sense of place.Phones are about remapping the locality." Andrew Curry,The Henley Centre
-> mobile phones to rearticulate locality
How the POSITION/DIRECTION of the partner influences the GROUNDING process in the context of mediated collaboration ? Grounding is a simpler collaborative process to investigate than mutual modelling, even though it was better studied in linguistics...
How space is grounded in conversations...
Locative expressions : they denote regions of space and serve as arguments to predicates, locating objects and events spatially. Diverse forms : in Lausanne, here, there, nowhere, and on the boat to Geneva. They combine iwth common nouns (city on the Geneva Lake), or with verbs and verb-phrases (work in Zurich), always locating objects and situations in space.
Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Embodied mathematics : geometry, mobile devices (buetooth for instance) to help children to learn spatial geometry ??? drawing square in mixed reality ???
Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Obviously, there is little interest drawn to direction awareness compared to location awareness. It is weird since information about direction could be of interest in numerous contexts. Perhaps direction-based information could be a way to add value to location-based services : the next big thing ?
In both my literature reviews about both socio-cognitive roles of space and awareness tool, I found no paper concerning the topic of direction. However, direction is closely related to position since it is possible to calculate a direction thanks to the two last positions .
Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Check in my literature review whether there are paper about direction-awareness versus location-awareness
Is the interaction/communication different if people receive information about their partner's location ?
What are the impacts on Mutual Modelling (construction of a mental model of ones partner activity) of having :
- partner's location - partner's direction (direction can be calculated with the two last positions) - control (nothing, no tool) - ... - partner's speed (with speed, one can infer the mean of transport, for instance if it is the metro in lausanne, the partner may go to the railway station...)
We have to choose a TASK !!! real or artificial. I propose a game (tracking people in town for instance)
All the experiments tackled by the others (in my literature review : dao, montandon...) deals with position and not direction
Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE List of socio-cognitive functions of space/place for collaboration :
- Coordination ; a way to organize coordination - Division of labour - Social Navigation - record of progress - Deitic references ???? - Building shared knowledge - a way to disambiguate context - a way to improve task performance - the construction of a mental model of ones partner - Initiation of interaction ? when we know the location/availability of ones partner ? + effects on spontaneous communication !! - action planification - shared space = copresence = less freeriding, more involvement, social facilitation, attention improvement, familiarity