
Genesis Climber Mospeada

Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Genesis Climber MOSPEADA (aka Kikô sôseiki Mospeada or just plain Mospeada) is a 25 episode long anime TV series that ran from late 1983 to early 1984 that deals with a small group of human rebels who attempt to free Earth from the control of aliens known as the Inbit.

Mospeada was chosen to become the third section of the Robotech Anime Serie (Robotech: New Generation).

I am a great fan of Mospeada Mechas, designed by studio Artmic ! Resources about Mospeada here

Meanings, patterns and combinations

Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE From "Miss Wyoming" (Douglas Coupland)

"That's Vanessa does for a living", Ryan said. "At Rand Corporation. She finds meanings and patterns. Combinations." "What's your speciality?" asked John. "Like Ryan said, I'm a finder." "A finder ?" "Just what it sounds like. Ever since I was a kid, if something got lost, people came to me to find it for them. I'm able to locate things. I ask questions. Il look at data. I make connections. And then I find what's lost."

real justice in virtual space !?

Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Via BBC

Finally Does virtual crime need real justice? a very smart problem indeed !!!!!! "The police in South Korea - a country as mad about gaming as the UK is about football - report that of the 40,000 or so cybercrimes reported in the first six months of 2003, more than half (22,000) had something to do with online gaming. The problems of online crime are made more serious by the growing numbers of people making a living from trading items from the games. "

I really like this kind of comment : "It might be tricky getting a witness statement from a yeti"

An in-game justice might appear but I am not convinced that governments would care to prosecute thefts of online goods...

Nomadism (53)

A tourist from America paid a visit to a renowned Polish rabbi, Hafetz Chaim.He was astonished to see the rabbi’s home was only a simple room filled with books, plus a table and a bench. “Rabbi,” asked the tourist, “where is your furniture?” “Where is yours?” replied Hafetz Chaim. “Mine?” asked the puzzled American. “But I’m only passing through.” “So am I,” said the rabbi.

~ Tales of the Hassidim. [Buber, M.]

Via AFP :"Cameron Jones, un barman australien féru de mathématiques, a découvert par accident que faire pousser des bactéries sur un CD pouvait donner à l'écoute des résultats surprenants, dignes des DJ les plus déjantés. La spécialité scientifique de Jones est de comprendre comment les signaux se transmettent à travers des cellules biologiques qui poussent de manière "fractale", comme des branches d'arbres. En manipulant ses disques alors qu'il avait les mains couvertes de bière, Jones a découvert que la mutilation de la surface du disque laser modifie le son de façon beaucoup plus intéressante si on fait pousser des champignons ou des bactéries à la surface du CD que lorsqu'on l'altère avec du sable, du verni, ou même de la peinture. Les substances vivantes introduisent des erreurs infimes (à l'échelle du micron et non pas à l'échelle du millimètre) et pervertissent le son de façon très étrange : la séquence musicale est toujours là, mais des déformations de tonalité apparaissent inopinément ainsi que des vibrations dans le fond. Rien de particulièrement agréable à l'oreille d'ailleurs, précise Cameron Jones"

Reprise de Lorie

Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Pour les gros fans de la chanteuse pour 3-4 ans LORIE, après sa wonderful biographie, un super tribute vient d'être réalisé par des déconstructivistes : The Lo-Fi Covering Orchestra. Les mp3 sont assez minimalistes mais ca met tout à fait en avant les paroles essentielles de cette chanteuse dont on a pas le droit de dire de mal même sur le net. De toute façon tout le monde s'en fout.

Les mps des trouvent sur leur site

En parlant de Lorie, je pense que ca va faire peter mes stats yeah ! super public.

Herbert Clark's notion of joint activity

Activity : a time-bounded event (a football game) or an ongoing process (teaching) with constrained on participants and setting. Activity types vary on various dimensions (Levinson, 1969) :- scriptedness : "gradient formed by two polar types, the totally prepackaged activity on the one hand and the largely unscripted event on the other (e.g. a chande meeting on the street)." - formality : ranging from "a highly formal activity on the one hand and a very informal one on the other" - verbalness : the degree to which speech is an integral part of each activity.

Clark adds two dimensions : - cooperativeness : "ranges from cooperative activities like buying groceries to adversarial or competitive activities like playing tennis". - governance : ranges from egalitarian activities (participants have equal roles) to situations where someone plays a dominant role.

In any joint activity, some people are understood to be taking part of the activity and others not. Those people have roles in that activity : these roles help shape what they each do and are understood as doing. Participants also have personal identities.

In addition, people participate in joint activities to achieve certain dominant goals. In most joint activities, people pursue many goalds at once. Although the participants may share the dominant goal, there is usually a division of labor among them. If a guide leads tourists to the Eiffel Tower in Paris, they have the same end goal but differ in what they do in fulflling the goal. The participants in a joint activity assume public roles that help determine their division of labor. Clark presents different types of goals : - domain goal : the dominant goal (playing chess game) - procedural goal : sush as doing it quickly and efficiently. - interpersonal goal : such as maintaining contact with other participants or impressing them... - private agenda : such as getting rid of the others or working the situation for personal advantage.

Participants try to establish and achieve joint public goals AND try to individually achieve private goals.

Every joint activity requires coordination among its participants. People manage to coordinate with conventional and unconventional procedures.

Most joint activities get realized as sequences of smaller actions, many of which are themselves joint actions. -> division in phases or sections and each of which divides into subsections or subphases. What emerges is a hierarchy of joint actions. One reason joint activities are complicated is two or more people must come to mutually believe that they are participating in the same joint activity.

Joint activities also have boundaries. We can identify three stages of participants A and B with respect to joint activity J : 1. Entry : A and B go from not being in J to being in J. 2. Body : A and B are in J. 3. Exit : A and B go from being in J to not being in J.

Finally, joint acitivities may be simultaneous or intermittent, and may expand, contract, or divide in their personnel.

During joint activities, a wide range of information accumulates : the common ground of the participants about that activity : the knowledge, beliefs, and suppositions they believe they share about the activity. The concept of Common Ground is due to Robert Stalnaker (1978). The common ground of the participants about their conversation changes as the conversation proceeds.

Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Via the guardian : "an earlier document attributed to Wolfowitz and Libby which said the US must "discourage advanced industrial nations from challenging our leadership or even aspiring to a larger regional or global role". It refers to key allies such as the UK as "the most effective and efficient means of exercising American global leadership". It describes peacekeeping missions as "demanding American political leadership rather than that of the UN". It says "even should Saddam pass from the scene", US bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will remain permanently... as "Iran may well prove as large a threat to US interests as Iraq has". It spotlights China for "regime change", saying "it is time to increase the presence of American forces in SE Asia"

It sounds like children palying with gi-joe

Manifeste du crevard

Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE _en vue de la publication d'un fanzine de naze (bd cheap, news nazes, jeux ? jeux psychogéographiques)

Il existe toute une mythologie se situant approximativement entre la lecture matinale des boites de corn flakes, le visionnage du téléachat et des publicités allemandes pour Kinder, l'utilisation rigoureuse du four à micro-onde ou la mercerie/lingerie des années 70.

De l'érotisme audacieux du catalogue Manufrance 1976 aux illustrations de sciences naturelles des manuels scolaire pré-1990 en passant par l'inventivité sans borne des jeux de l'oie publiés sur les cartons de céréales pour enfant, se cache l'univers inventif, fascinant, délectable du white trash looser que nous nous proposons d'explorer à souhait. La déglingue comme modèle d'entertainment en somme.

Il s'agit globalement d'un univers dans lequel les copies/ersatz sont clairement plus passionnantes que les originaux; le minimalisme ou le marketing raté cèdant le pas au détournement tant de la part de l'observateur/lecteur/visionneur que du créateur innocent.

Bien souvent c'est dans la littérature ou les loisirs pour enfant qu'un tel procédé transparait, mais il serait restricitf de s'en tenir la.

Il ne sera pas seulement question de bd, collages, nouvelles ou jeu, il s'agira également de musique, d'ambiance et donc de lieux ou d'espaces à (re)conquérir.

liste de choses nazes à publier :

- coupure de catalogue La Redoute avec pub pour les vibromasseurs sur la joue : à commenter - interviews ? - jeu de l'oie débile mais aps complètement con, proche d'un truc vrai mais avec quelques conneries. - des romans photos avec des bidules de kinder suprise - pubs smoops et leur bd a chier - projet "pete la forme" : un concours du dessin pourri réalisé sur le trone

Underwater Hotel in Dubai

Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Dubai is planning an underwater hotel that will cost up to half a billion to build. With about 220 rooms, the Hydropolis Hotel will entertain guests with underwater views, a half-submerged concert hall, snorkeling and of course a plastic surgery clinic. They're going to have some sort of marine biology lab too. Guests will get to the hotel by way of a train travelling through a 1/3-mile long plexiglass tube. Living with the fishes won't come cheap: rooms will cost up to $5500 a night. Reserve now for the planned 2006 opening.

Logique de guerre

Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE Via transfert : "Je pense qu'on n'a pas encore assez dit et répété que l'après Guerre Froide, c'est la fin de Clausewitz : c'est-à-dire que nous ne sommes plus aujourd'hui dans "la guerre, continuation de la politique par d'autres moyens" mais, à l'inverse, dans une autre formule, qui veut que la guerre ce n'est plus la guerre militaire mais la perpétuation de la guerre par d'autres moyens. Alors, les principaux rapports de force se situent dans tout ce qui est informationnel, tout ce qui est lié aux opinions publiques et tout ce qui est lié aux enjeux économiques et tehcnologiques. Entre la volonté des Etats-Unis de contrôler les flux privés d'informations mondiaux et la destruction de régiments de la Garde Républicaine irakienne, vous avez bien compris que le plus important est dans le contrôle pérenne des flux informationnels privés, plutôt que dans la destruction ponctuelle de quelques régiments blindés irakiens. Et pourtant, ce différentiel-là n'est pas exprimé dans les médias." Christian Harbulot

Pocket Simon

Bookmarklets | MOVABLE TYPE I was unaware Milton Bradley also released a pocket simon !!!

The year was 1978. Disco was in its heyday and SIMON, the electronic game of "Simon Says," was the "must have" sensation. Introduced to the world and to society's most hip celebs at the ultrachic New York discotheque, Studio 54, SIMON game immediately earned features in People, Money, Esquire, GQ, Newsweek and on the Today Show. Some truly dedicated fans even made their way to FAO Schwarz stores before work each morning to get their daily fix of SIMON game play. Not surprisingly, the game went on to sell out before the end of the 1978 Christmas season and continued its run for years to come.

The official Simon website :