Lift 09 poster

Snowed under work lately (foresight project about the future of the web, gestural controllers research, lift, writing a book about locative media), I have less time to blog but it's worth having a look at the new Lift poster:

Explained by Bread and Butter themselves:

A city by night, an impressive landscape of anonymous buildings. Could be anywhere. A luminous meteor carves the darkness, rustling the anarchy of the city, of our memories. LIFT 09 emerging with new energy, lights and colors.

A feeling of perspective, of vertigo. An image inspired by the covers of sci-fi novels of the 70-80's. This is a typical LIFT poster, 1:1 hand-made, with enough feather strokes to confuse the pixels, impactful.

Carving into the past, LIFT lights up the future that never was. The journey starts now…

You can see the archive of Lift posters here, and download highres versions for printing if you wish.